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Sunday, November 16, 2008


The weekend was definitely a success! Not only did we do the usual things (laundry, grocery shopping, class) but we actually squeezed in a few other things...
1. Chris had an outing with all 3 kids to the bank, McDonald's and the bookstore.
2. We had family game night. (Operation, Guess Who and Sorry)
3. We had a photo shoot of the kids with one of our bestest friends (according to Casey she is one of her top friends), Frankie. I am soooooooo, waaaaaayyyyy, super, unbelievably excited about the pictures that she took today. I am excited about these pics like I was excited about getting back our wedding pics. Yes, that excited. I will, for sure, be posting more about this!
4. Had lunch at Chili's and shopped at Old Navy...all 5 of us!

Now, for the BUSY week ahead...The girls and I are having a day at dentist's tomorrow and taking the van in for service before the big haul to Chicago. Wednesday we have parent teacher conferences with the girls' teacher. Thursday I have professional learning after school. And then I am sure that Friday and Saturday will be jam packed with us preparing for our Sunday night departure to Chicago. God help us, we have decided to make the 12 hour drive through the middle of night while all the little ones sleep.

This is my first holiday in 12 years with my dad. I'm not really sure why it has happened that way, but it has. It is also the first time that we will be seeing my dad since his cancer diagnosis and the beginning of chemo. I am both nervous and excited. He has his 5th treatment this Wednesday and will get the results from his last scan then too. We are staying with one of my aunts and uncles so that it isn't a complete invasion at my dad's house and that he is still able to have some downtime to rest. My kids are a lot to handle even when you are not going through chemo. :) According to Dad, we will be going out for Chinese on Thanksgiving...we'll see what my stepmom has to say about that. :)

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