I have no excuses. I have been a bad blogger this month. Horrible, really. And the sad thing is, I have had a lot to say and just couldn't find the words to say it all.
So perhaps we should just jump right in...
Here's a few pictures from Chris's phone from the week of the 4th... At my mom's house we all sang Happy Birthday to Quinn {I love his sweet little face in this one}
And here's the aftermath of a day of swimming and eating and running and playing...
That picture is also part of what made us think that perhaps the boy should have a full size bed. He pretty much sleeps horizontally across the bed exclusively these days, so we put the extender on the bottom bunk, moved Chan's bed in there and are getting a new mattress for her.
We also took one of our favorite people, Dr. Ayers, out to dinner one night last week and had a marvelous evening with him. He's 94 years old and AMAZING! Our children (and us) absolutely adore him (and I am pretty sure that he feels the same).
Speaking of last week...It was a crazy whirlwind! Casey had dance camp every day and it was a lot of back and forth driving. But she loved every minute of it! At the end of the week they had the opportunity to audition for mini company, but after much deliberation on our part, we decided that she needs to wait another year. This year she starts three hours of dance a week (up from one) and I think she needs to make that adjustment before adding more to it.
On Saturday, I talked my sweet friend, Anna, into coming to the monthly antique place for a look around. My mom and her friend met us up there and it was a blast! They also have a lot of handmade vendors and I fell in love with this...
I'm saving up for it. I love it on the burlap and the rustic wood...the yellow and gray and red. So, so cute!
I have two boutiques this week - one at my mom's (success!) and one at home tomorrow night and have been in full swing getting ready. Quinn has even taken part.
{just kidding. he was making patterns...not necklaces!}
And then came the day when we took Chandler to sleep away camp. Oh, you have no idea how hard this week has been (on all of us)
. Early in the summer she decided that Camp Glisson was for her. She was ready. She wanted the chance to go somewhere where no one would know that she was an identical twin and where no one would know any embarrassing stories about her. I was hesitant about it until she put it that way. And then really, how could I deny her that???
We drove up to Dahlonega on Sunday. She was doubly excited because not only was it camp day, but her hair was finally long enough for a halo french braid. {a good mom moment} We arrived a little early, which ended up being a good thing, because there was already a long line to get into camp. My children spent some time hugging on each other in the car...
...and I must say, when the line of cars started to move and we made our way into camp, where counselors lined the road in yelling "Welcome to Camp!" you couldn't help but get excited.
We parked. Unloaded her luggage and hiked up to her cabin to meet her camp counselor and get her settled in.
Now, let me take a minute to be honest. I had no idea what to expect. I never went to sleep away camp. And when we walked into her cabin and there were beds made up with comforters and throw pillows, rugs on the floor and pictures on the wall, I had a bad mom moment. I mean, as an after thought I threw a fitted sheet in her bag (the packing list said sheets were optional) and aside from that she just had her pillow and a borrowed sleeping bag.
We then walked around camp a bit, she and Casey stopped for pictures....
...and then I said, "Show me how you feel about camp"...
And then we took her back to her cabin and left.her.there. Do you hear me? I left my child.
I have eight more years to prepare for leaving her at college and I am not sure that it's enough time.
She told me as we were leaving (in a serious voice),
Mama, I'm gonna miss you. I mean, who's going to tell me to put on extra sunscreen and to put my dirty underwear in the hamper?
Oh, Lord, please don't let that child leave her dirty underwear all over the place.
Quinn was kind of a bear the whole day (although that seems to be everyday any more) and wanted it to be about him. He desperately wanted to see the waterfall. So we walked there.
Onward, Daddy, onward!
And then once we were there, he wanted to go in. But that was out of the question.
On the way home we stopped by Dunkin Donuts. Quinn could "sniff it out" for us, so we let him.
Sunday night was hard. Really, really hard.
Casey cried. A lot. And made the "other Chandler" - pillows covered with a blanket with a picture of Chan at the top, but the "other Chandler" wouldn't snuggle her and so she sobbed.
And then we caved and let Q sleep with her.
It was the one thing that we had accomplished this summer...keeping Q out of their room and now that's ruined.
Big sigh.
I have never gone this long without talking to her and it is killing me. Seriously.
We'll pick her up on Friday and then *gasp* I go back to work next Wednesday!
How in the world did that happen???
But I promise to be a better blogger between now and then. Pinky promise.