I think its going around, but I saw it on Casey's blog and thought it would be fun... So, here goes nothing.
A. age : 33 (and a half) although sometimes I feel like I'm much older. I think it may be all the gray that is coming in. And then other times I feel 18 again. Like when House of Pain comes on. Ok, when I turn House of Pain on.
B. bed size : king, which is nice since there are currently 4 of us sleeping in it.
C. chore you hate : Honestly, I'm at the point where I hate all chores. None of them are fun. There was once a time when I loved (seriously. looooooved.) cleaning my house. I felt accomplished. I could clean everything in a Saturday morning. And the whole house would sparkle. The house was also teeny tiny. And so we moved and I HATE cleaning this house. And now that there are 5 of us, I hate doing laundry. I also hate cooking (which is why Chris does it). I don't have the ability to just "make something." I have to follow a recipe step-by-step, stopping to reread each step as I go. And so it takes me a billion years. And I don't enjoy it.
D. dogs : Ike. Ikey. Bike. Bikey. Ikus. Ikey Poo. Devil Dog.
E. essential start to your day : coffee, with fancy creamer, and a shower. I used to have a Diet Coke every morning, but haven't done that since the DCD. (diet coke divorce)
F. favorite color : white. (to wear) And otherwise I just love all colors. Really.
G. gold or silver : Both. I'm an equal opportunity jewelry lover.
H. height : 5'7 and a smidge
I. instruments you play : In middle school I played the trumpet. My family would probably beg to differ with the "played" part. It was more like blowing air into it and hoping that a sound that was maybe a teensy bit pleasing to the ear came out.
J. job title : School Librarian, Mama, Wife
K. kids : Casey, Chandler and Quinn
L. live : just outside of Athens
M. maiden name :My mother said I'm not allowed to tell you. :)
N. nicknames :: Ang. Or if you're my mother, you can call me Honey. Or if you're a certain friend of my dad's you can all me Angelina Boscalina.
O. overnight hospital stays : Having children. I pretend that I'm at the spa when I'm there though.
P. pet peeve : Oh. I don't even know where to start with this one.
Q. quote : "In the end it will all be okay. If its not okay, then its not the end."
R. righty or lefty : Right. Although as a child I desperately wanted to be left handed. I also couldn't wait to get braces.
S. siblings : I have two younger half brothers and two younger step brothers. They are all Awesome. With a capital A.
T. time you wake up : I'm rocking the 5:30am these days. Boo.
U. university attended : University of Georgia. For all 3 degrees.
V. vegetables you dislike: I love them all. Except beets. Are those a vegetable? And sprouts. I don't like sprouts.
W. what makes you run late : These dang children. And it drives me insane in the membrane. I am an on.time.person. The little people constantly slow me down.
X. x-rays you’ve had : I've broken my leg, my arm, a toe (that was a spectacular experience...they x-rayed it...although I am pretty sure that when your pinky toe is perpendicular to your foot you already know that its broken.), I've had a hernia (but that was a cat scan), and then, of course, the billion at the dentist and orthodontist (when I did finally get braces). And there was this one time (at band camp...just kidding) when I had a tissue infection in my elbow and they x-rayed that one too.
Y. yummy food : I'm pretty much in love with all food. Except fruit. And meat on the bone. And the aforementioned beets and sprouts.
Z. zoo animal favorite : Otters. Hands down.