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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Summer Read

I love books. I think that my choice of librarian...kind of lets people know that, but I felt like saying it again. Certain books stand out for me because of what was going on at the time I was reading them...ME TALK PRETTY ONE DAY and the HANDMAID'S TALE were the last books I read before Chris and I started dating...SNOW FLOWER AND THE SECRET FAN was what I read during out last summer trip to Chicago (I read and cried - both because of the book and because of leaving my dad - the whole way home). I read the diaries of Anne Morrow Lindbergh and THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE the summer that Chris and I got married and I read LOVING FRANK right before I had Quinn. Seriously, my whole life is marked like this (I was reading BERENSTAIN BEARS AND THE MESSY ROOM when my mom busted in on me in the 1st grade to attack me for putting clean clothes back in with the dirty...just as an example). I have just finished reading the Southern Vampire Mysteries and am wondering what book I will remember this summer for. Any thoughts on this?

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Try THE THIRTEENTH TALE, by Diane Setterfield, or the DEPRFORD TRILOGY, by Robertson Davies

Two I can't forget!

How did the self-portrait turnout?