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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wonderful, wonderful weekend!

There will be a MUCH better post about this weekend later in the week {promise} but here's a little sneak peek...

My weekend involved this...

{do you know Lindsay from Pen & Paint?  If not, you, shop, facebook}

It was wonderful!  Seriously.  And I camethisclose to NOT going.  Friday and I were not friends and I almost decided to stay home and I am so, so, so very glad that I didn't.

I would have missed this...

And I would have missed out on meeting these sweet ladies...

{you'll hear more about them later!}

I hope you had a wonderful, wonderful weekend, too!


molly said...

So glad you did this! I bet it was super fun and very inspiring. Sounds like just what you needed. Can't wait to catch up and hear more about it. Love you!

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

I am so absolutely happy you came!
I am so happy we had a chance to talk and laugh!