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Sunday, October 11, 2009

In the Box

Quinn had big fun this and outside of the box. Yes, the toy of choice this weekend was an empty diaper box. Such fun! And I can only imagine what his reaction would be to something like a refrigerator box. Perhaps he will find out at Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas...I think that I am well on my way to securing enough zhu zhu pet items to make for a large enough set up for Christmas morning. We found some at the Toys R Us in Athens. Other than that though, it is amazing to me how grown up the girls are becoming. They actually asked for giftcards this year.

I had a difficult weekend, myself. I had this terrible feeling of crisis. Inner turmoil. I couldn't verbalize it (which I am still struggling with) and I couldn't figure out how to fix it (still not a clue). So instead, I spent the afternoon leisurely walking around TJ Max and Steinmart (you know, places that are a disaster to go to with children) with Frankie (who is NOT a disaster to go to those places with), and wishing that I had the style of the Mormons that I love out in Utah. It is true. CJane and Nie, even though I only read their blogs (along with a billion other people in the world), I love them and I covet their style. Much like my Molly. She is amazing at the finding of things. In my world, if Target doesn't have it, then I am not meant to own it. Sad, but very nearly bordering on being a true statement. I always think someday when I don't spend a trillion dollars a month on childcare, feeding children, clothing children and providing extracurricular activities for children, I will have the spare change to bulk up my vintage globe collection, have beautiful furniture mixed from flea markets, antique shops, ikea and pottery barn, or have a whole slew of fabulous beaded necklaces and artsy earrings. But then I feel that that is who I want to be now so that my children will recognize me then. Kind of like how, as a child, my mother and I lived a whole entire summer on hotdogs, creamete salad and sun tea, and now she is an out of this world chef - sauteed purple cabbage with goat cheese, warm potato salad with avocados, to die for brussel sprouts with lemon juice (I have to stop, my stomach is growling)...But seriously, I did not grow up eating this food and it took me awhile to recognize this woman slaving away in the kitchen as my mother. I want for my children to always know this eclectic side of me that is dying to be free. But, sadly, in order for them to know this woman, they would also have to know canned vegetables and spam. So, I think that my priorities are in the appropriate order. Big sigh. Someday I will own really fantastic pieces of awesomeness in my house, kickass jewelry, amazing shoes, and a desk that was not purchased from the good people at Target. Someday.