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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Dear Spring Break, I love you.

We are on Spring Break this week.  Woohoo!  Even though it is the middle of March, which seems ridiculously early for a spring break, I'll take it.  Happily. 

We are gearing up for a busy week ahead...

On Monday we are volunteering here.  It is always a humbling experience to be able to serve others.

We are also heading here this week for a quick little vacay.  And just so you know, this is HUGE on my part...I haven't put on a bathing suit in a good three years.  I haven't been to a water park since, um, well, maybe 1987...the summer that the wave pool and slides opened at Lake Lanier.  I've never been to White Water.  Why?  Because I think they are gross.  Schkeevy, if you will. 

But, this is a pretty good alternative to the beach.  Because we all know that trip is just not going to happen.

So I now have to pack for 4 out of the 5 of us.  (I think one other person in this house might be able to pack themselves.  But I'm not naming any names.  It could be a surprise which one it is.) 

I also have to shave my legs, paint my toe nails and look into purchasing some kind of cover up. 

I have a TON of new things in the works for the shop.  Yay!

I have packed up 3 bags of clothes from the kids that need to go to Goodwill.  Hooray!

I hoping that this week will both productive and relaxing.  It might be a tall order, but I am hopeful.


LittleGreenThread said...

Please let me know what you think of Great Wolf Lodge! My husband has been talking about taking the boys there. He also mentioned last week that he can't wait to go to the beach this summer. I was instantly mortified at the thoughts of putting on a bathing suit. Cute cover ups all around! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, a relaxing kind of productive. A day at the water park is productive:)