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Sunday, March 4, 2012


Oh, Friends, finally, some new things, made with my own two hands that have been consuming my thoughts for almost 2 months now, have been made!

I had challenged myself in January to only make things with supplies that I already had on hand.  I was saving shop money to pay for Blissdom and I often fall into the "I love it and have to make something with it" camp when it comes to beads (and the such), buy it, bring it home and then become distracted by something else.  Does this happen to you???  So I have a ton of supplies and I need to use them.  And so, I had all these ideas of things to do with supplies on hand for January. 

But then the latest PW post happened and I have spent the past six weeks filling orders {super grateful!} but not getting my projects any further along...just stuck in my head...and six weeks is much too long for projects to be thoughts instead of realities.

{AND, just want until you see some of the other things that I have in the works!!! Sooooooo excited!  But those are Spring Break projects...}

These were this weekend's projects...I will be busy listing them in the shop tonight...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! That first necklace pairing is heaven.

Zakary said...

You are so flipping talented, I want every single piece.