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Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Unlucky Day

Casey had, what she considered to be, an "unlucky" day today. The climax of the unlucky day was the fact that they got to pick which rooms they went to in After School and she made a poor choice. She chose to go to the computer lab while Chan stayed in the cafeteria to watch a movie. They had hot chocolate while watching the movie. This was highly upsetting to Casey and she sobbed on the way home. Solution? Chris had her write about her day in her journal, she calmed herself down and was served hot chocolate with dessert tonight. She said that this proved that any day can turn around. I hope this lesson sticks with her.

Aunt Molly is coming for dinner Saturday night. The girls are THRILLED beyond belief about this. Chan responded to the news by shouting, "Yes!!!" followed by, "BooYa!" Really? You're 7, there doesn't need to be any "booya's" in the house.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love the journal idea. i have started that with my little one. way to go daddio with the hot chocolate for dessert.