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Sunday, February 12, 2012


Whew!  I finally feel like I am starting to catch my breath.  I contemplated putting the shop on vacation mode this week, but now I'm thinking that I'm not.  I am down to very, very few orders that need to be shipped...hooray!  It is an amazingly good feeling, especially since I have a TON of new things that I have to make, photograph and list!  :) 

These beauties are already in the shop....

And there's more to come!  I can't wait!!!

Thankfully, we are off tomorrow!  Crazy, right?  It's my birthday and so I thought I would give everyone the day off.  Actually, if I had done it, it would have been with pay instead of a furlough day.  :)  We really need the day to recover from the whirlwind of this weekend - roller skating, slumber party, family birthday party (post coming soon!), my parents spent the night last night...and to be honest, I am still in my jammies.  I never even got dressed today.  No need when your plan is to do laundry, make jewelry, package orders and eat....OMG the leftovers that are in this house!  (I have a story about cupcakes too...for another post!)

Anywho, Chris and I are watching Breaking Dawn tonight.  I am sleeping in tomorrow.  Chris will be getting up to take Q to school and is taking my car for an oil change.  He knows the way to my heart.  :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

LOVE the tassel necklaces!