I am nowhere near being finished with making/packing orders, but have definitely made LOTS of progress! I am still waiting on quite a bit of supplies that I've ordered, and you know, if I didn't have a full time job (which I do love and am grateful for) and 3 kids (I love them too and am grateful for them also) this process would be a whole heckuva lot easier.
That being said, here's some progress that you can see for yourself...
That's Thursday's and Saturday's outgoing packages. (I failed to take a picture of Tuesday's!) I'll be shipping again this week on Tuesday and Thursday...probably twice as many packages!
Prior to last Monday, my table was a disaster. I worked on top of the disaster all week and then after my post office run this morning I had to take a cleaning break. Usually I have to take a break from cleaning, but today I had to take a break from jewelry to clean. :)
Not perfect (by any stretch of the imagination) but definitely better! Lots of light? Um, yes please. And that is an Ott Light in the right hand corner. Have you heard of these? They are FANtastic! Truly. I bought mine on Black Friday for $17 at Michael's (they're normally around $80). Watch for the sales and pick one up for yourself!
I spent the majority of my day at the table....working on one thing or another and the children kept begging to help. So I let them. And now I can honestly say that I've run a sweatshop. I paid them waaaaaayyyyy less than minimum wage. :)
Casey was putting stickers on the boxes and Quinn was handling the return address stamping. Then Chan wanted to get in on the fun, so they decided to tackle the WHOLE box of uline mailers. All 200 of them! They had an assembly line going and when I asked who started the assembly line, Chandler responded, "George Washington!" Um, no...Perhaps she should have been studying some history instead of stamping envelopes.
I have been (prior to this week) thinking about some things that I want to include in my spring line and thought I would share some with you...
Cloisonne beads and some color block pieces will definitely be some staples in the spring line!!! Can't wait to get started on them! {and what you see above will be in the shop at some point over the weekend}
1 comment:
Wow Angie! I'll say that's quite a to-do list! How sweet that all the kiddos jumped in to help too! Wonderful:) Congrats on all of the orders!
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