After seeing this post last week, I bought the book, Kisses From Katie by Katie Davis and read it over the weekend.
Completely amazing and inspiring. But then I pause and think, it inspires me to do what? Because I just haven't figured that out yet. Perhaps I should start by going back to church. But I just don't know if I am ready to do that.
Part of my fear comes from the fact that I spoke so much about wanting to change jobs, but then our whole life changed for our whole family and in the beginning everyone kept saying, God's hand was in this.
See, we prayed for jobs in Athens because that is where we want to be - we do our shopping there, we go to church there, we have so many friends there, we love the pace of Athens (even game days), we feel at home there. But then somehow we both managed to get jobs there over the summer, which meant neither of us had really wrapped our brains around leaving our old jobs - there were no formal good-byes to our old co-workers - and things just didn't look the way I thought they would.
And I feel like I spiraled out of control into this...just...blah.
Everyone was so excited for Chris and I to get these jobs. But so much has changed for our family that it was been hard. And I don't know that I could answer truthfully when questioned about it. I don't know that I can be anything but sad there and I just don't want that.
But people said God's hand was in this. So either it was and I am missing something HUGE, or it wasn't and me, with my good ole free will, did yet another stellar job in decision making.
And so I feel like I have let these people down.
But that's just not the point of this post. The point is that I read this book and am completely in awe of this girl and what she has done with her life...just by following and listening to what God's plan for her is.
I also wonder how her parents feel. How they felt when she told them she was going to live her life in Uganda. I wonder how I would handle something like that with the girls. What if they felt called to be missionaries? How could I argue with that, especially when we have raised them in a church?
Anywho, here's a little more of Katie. So, seriously, amazing.