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Saturday, October 6, 2012

31 Days::: Three Chicken Books:::Who doesn't like a chicken book?:::Great Reads for Little Ones

I mean, really, who doesn't like a good chicken book?  How can you not?  Chickens are just funny.

There's this one... The Plot Chickens {I love it for 2nd and 3rd graders, personally}  It is a little longer, but funny and ties in nicely with talking about parts of a story. 

And then there's this one... Interrupting Chicken... a silly story, one you can't help but like...
 And this one...  Chicken Big {as opposed to Chicken Little}.  I've read it with first graders at my school (and they thought it was hilarious) and at home with Quinn.  He couldn't believe how crazy the chickens were and got more and more frustrated with them.  At one point he was yelling at the book - HE"S A CHICKEN!!!  Because, you know, that helps.  :)

1 comment:

Our Learning Collection said...

We enjoyed reading your reviews. We love the book Chicken of the Family. We'll be looking forward to checking out these chicken books. Thanks for the recommendations!