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Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello Monday!

Hello to Book Fair!

Hello to Book Fair!


That is pretty much what is going on around this week.  It's the life of an elementary school librarian. 

Hello to the wedding of one of my favorite former students!  {so excited and can't wait to see Erin walk down the aisle!}

Hello to Quinn having a weekend at Meme and Pops' house!  {please tell me that sometimes you have to have a break from your little one...he can be so tiring...he talks all.the.time.non.stop}

Hello to trying this recipe {and then I am going to run 10 miles}  {just kidding...10 miles...that would be ridunkulous.}


michelle @ this little light said...

Mine is a talker, too ... from sunup to sundown ... so yes, every once in a while, quality time with the grandparents is a win-win!

Happy Monday!

Anonymous said...

happy monday and happy book fair...always exciting for the littles.
hang in there.

likeschocolate said...

That pasta does look amazing. Did your children like it! I am not sure if mine would touch it or not. Yummy!