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Thursday, April 7, 2011

And then I fell in love.

I stopped by Pier One Imports the other day.  I can't tell you how many years it has been since I have even walked through the doors of one.  But my mom had a little catalog of theirs and I couldn't stop looking at it over the weekend and so I decided to swing in one (I was right next door to it anyway).

And then I fell in love.  With these chairs.  And I can't stop looking at them.  I need these chairs.  Need.

I seriously want all of them.  But I really think that I might need the bottom right chair - the eggplant velvet one - for at my crafting desk.  Again, need.  Because how can you not need a chair that had a back like this?

Beautiful.  That's all I have to say.

ps - Today is my Mom's birthday.  I am so glad that my grandparents planned to have her.  :) And I hope she has a super lovely, wonderful day!


Emily said...

Happy Birthday, Arlene!

Paula said...

I've been eying the one on the bottom left for over a year!!

molly said...

Happy Belated Birthday Arlene!
p.s. I love all of these chairs. I think you could use one in your bedroom for sure.