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Monday, April 19, 2010

A Georgia Girl Through and Through

And these are pictures of Chan's room....its a little different than Casey's room, wouldn't you say? When we began the "How would you decorate your room?" conversations, Chan immediately decided on a red and black room. Meaning, she wanted 2 red walls and 2 black walls. I explained to her that we were not painting any walls red...or black. So, we compromised on gray and then found lots of red and black accessories. And although her room is not quite as finished as Casey's (she needs a dust ruffle on the red and black chairs to go at her desk), she loves it every bit as much as Casey loves her room. And in case you were wondering about the 4 frames in each of their rooms...they are 3.99 12x12 scrapbook frames from Michael's with a piece of artsy scrapbook paper in them. That's my one decorating tip. That, and I love IKEA.


Crystal Farish said...

Lovin this room!!!!! Way cute. Does a teenager live here????

KBBean said...

I am constantly amazed at how much you get done each day/weekend. I'm all proud to get caught up on laundry, and then you go and redecorate your entire house! :) The rooms look great!