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Friday, April 8, 2011

Signing Off For the Weekend.

I am going to take the weekend off from blogging.  Its the last two days of my Spring Break and I am going to try to be on the computer as little as possible.  Go ahead, Chris, snicker.  And you can call me out on it if you feel that I am getting sucked in.  I have a few more things that I need to cross off my list before going back to work on Monday.

Back to work on Monday, where for the next 12 days before we take our state test, I will be working extended days to make up for our snow week in January.  Already I am tired just thinking about it.

Here's a few other things from this past week....

Look closely.  Can you see what this is a picture of?  Why, yes, yes, its the letter A.  Quinn drew that.  On the wall of the stairs.  He was quite upset that Chris took a magic eraser to it.  "But dat my A, Da-yeah."

Yes, son, but that's my wall.

We celebrated on Wednesday that Quinn went to bed Tuesday night without screaming.  He woke up once in the middle of the night and was agreeable when I took him back to bed.  His plan failed him when he woke up at 6:45 and tried to climb in our bed.  Chris announced that it was morning and time to get up...then he congratulated him on not crying and making it all night in his big boy bed in his big boy room.

Needless to say, he took a nap on the way there and on the way home, and then proceeded to sleep for the majority of the afternoon.  He got the last laugh though, when we woke up this morning and he was asleep in our bed.  Neither of us heard him come in or climb up, so we have no idea when this ninja like behavior occurred.

We had one of my favorite dinners last night.  Marinated grilled chicken, grilled squash, zucchini and onion and fumi salad (and don't forget the glass of milk).

And now, I think I am going to head off to bed soon.  Apparently we all need some beauty rest in this house.

ps - Don't forget to come back on Monday!  There will be something fun for sure!  And I think I might be in the givin away kind of'll be (gasp!) my 700th post! 

pps - Check out these treasuries!


Crystal Farish said...

I need that dinner!!! Have a great weekend. That A -- priceless. Have I ever shown you the photo of the red footprints all over my garage? Claire and Eden decided it would be a really good idea to stand in a bucket of paint and then walk around leaving a trail. That day it was a disaster. I can still see them crying as I hosed them down in the driveway. But now, it is such a precious memory. I smile every time I see those little feet. Don't erase the A. :)

sharonp said...

I'd like to see that marinated chicken recipe in the cookbook please!

molly said...

Chris is the master negotiator. "Yes, son, but that's my wall." I love it! Still better than the "circles" that the girls drew in your old house. I still laugh out loud. Too bad you didn't have a blog back in those days.
700 posts... Wow! I say you do deserve a vacation from blogging. And we will all be right here waiting Monday night. ; ) Enjoy your weekend!