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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mother Daughter Time

This has been a chock full weekend.  Chock full of all the best things...

I met my mom for lunch on Saturday.  Just the two of us.  Just us, for any meal, is a rarity.

Then, we headed off to the outlets for my birthday shopping trip.  Oh, oh, the oh-so-good deals we found!  Mom bought for me at one store, and then we found such good deals at another store that then Tom bought for me there.  Of course, I don't think that Tom knows that he bought things for me, considering that he wasn't with us, but I'm sure Mom will inform him....when the bill comes.  Or maybe when he reads this on the blog.  We'll see which one comes first.

On the way home, we picked up dinner - a Manhattan Garden from Johnny's, along with garlic bread and salad - so that Meme could spend some time with the kids before they went to bed. 

Mom and I listened to my interview with Gram last night.  She told some stories that Mom had never heard before.

This morning, Chris got to sleep in, Quinn fixed soup for Meme (by dumping all of his toys out of their bins onto his bed), and the girls have started some crazy painting project which may or may not have been the best idea because Q just can't quite get over the fact that the painting project is not for him.

There are errands to run, grocery shopping to do and preparations for the week ahead, but really, it has been a wonderful weekend.

Thank you, Mom, for everything.  I love you very, very much.

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