I received a text from my cousin Jimmy (a yankee) this weekend... It went like this...
Jimmy: What do you call that thing where all the food is dumped out on the table?
Me: We call it awesome.
Jimmy: What would I call it?
Me: Low Country Boil....or food you're not gonna eat. :)
Me: Why? Are you telling someone about your cracker cousin and her cracker friends and what they serve at parties?
Jimmy: No, it was on a tv show that Julie flipped on and I said, "Oh no! Not that hillbilly way to eat!"
Me: My mom says you should bring Julie down and she'll cook one in your honor.
Jimmy: That's not a way to get us to come down there.
The girls race into the library everyday after school and Chan makes a beeline for the window at the back door to watch the other students at bus dismissal. Today, I asked her why...
Casey: Oh. Its because she wants to wave good bye to Justin.
Me: Oh? Justin?
Casey: *in hushed tones* It's luuuuuuvvvvvv. *makes a heart with her index fingers and thumbs*
Me: Chan, is this true?
Casey: Oh, yeah, it's true alright.
**Chandler is completely beet red**
Quinn waited up for me to get home from my late night at book fair last week. When I walked in...
Me: Who is that sittin on the couch waiting up for me?
Q: It's me, Mama.
Me: Me, who? What's your name?
Q: It's me, Lilo Winn!
Chris couldn't say an 's' until something like second grade. That was when the only way you got a speech referral was if you didn't talk at all. And he was still gifted!
I've been up since 2:45am when my oldest puked all over me. I needed a good laugh. Thanks!
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