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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just to Share a Few Things...

So, what's been going on with the size of my fonts lately? I just don't know. I mean, I change them and then when I change back it works until I publish and then it hasn't changed. What kind of baloney is that? Just thought I would get that off my chest. Thanks.

Now, on to some other things. There are days when I wear jewelry that I haven't made. Shocking, I know. But true. And typically people notice because its not my usual style. Then I rave about how much I love the jewelry that I buy and promise to send them the etsy shops that I buy from. And then I forget. So, I am sharing with you right now who I love and why I love them.

I love Crystal B's shop! Actually, I just love Crystal B all together. We've become good cyber friends and she gives tons of great advice and book recommendations. This one is my current favorite. I am also secretly in love with these. I heart her...and her jewelry.

I also love this etsy shop, Tied Up Memories. I don't know this person or in the cyber world, but I do know her hinged cuff bracelets. And they know me. They love my wrist. Seriously, some of the most fabulous things ever! Like this one! And according to her shop, she is somewhere in the ATL. Who knew???

And there you have it. That's were I get the jewels that I haven't made myself. Now, of course, I want you to shop around in my shop...but my style is different from theirs and sometimes you just want something a little different. That's totally understandable.

Happy Saturday!

p.s. Even though I said I wasn't going to talk about sickness. I am. The girls are back to normal...temperatures, bratty-ness, yelling and slamming doors...and Q appears to have no lasting eye irregularities. I thought about stopping by the immediate care on my way to the post office this morning just to say hey, see what was going on, but I didn't.

1 comment:

Tiedupmemories said...


Wow! Thank you so much for this feature and introducing my shop! I'm so happy you love your bracelets! I appreciate it and have a fabulous weekend!!