First, let me just say that I think there are six pictures on my camera that were taken over the past two days. I am just terrible at taking pictures during these sorts of events. There may, or may not, be any worth sharing. You know my son, he has a hard time holding still.
These past two days have really just been a blur of food, punctuated by opening presents.
It was the first holiday where we did not have to travel anywhere. Somehow, we managed to arrange having everyone come to us. Was it fantastic? Absolutely. Will it happen again? I don't think that it will. People will catch on that we have happily been at home for two days and they will want to shake things up. But we will continue to hope.
Here's our run down...
Yesterday morning.... Chris's family came over for brunch (Em made PW cinnamon rolls -yum!-, sausage balls, bacon, omelettes made in muffin cups - super good! - baked grits...and the list goes on) and presents. It was an extravaganza. Chandler was beside herself - she got two pairs of boots. Chris's mom surprised me with a print that I have been wanting from etsy. And Chris's dad made the girls beautiful blankets (that they loved sleeping under last night).
Yesterday afternoon... We gorged ourselves on cheese, crackers and pepperoni. My parents and their dog, Duke, arrived. We opened a few presents and then ate some of my mom's homemade cheese ball. I love cheese ball.
Last night....We went to church. Quinn is usually not granted time in the sanctuary (and for good reason), but we thought we would give it a try last night. Um, yeah. Quinn and I began our date in the nursery with Meg and Merren before the official welcome was given. We rejoined the congregation at the end. Communion was still be given, so Q made a bee line for the alter. He knelt down, I showed him how to hold his hands and the Pastor came around to us...
Pastor: Quinn, this is from Jesus because he loves you.
Quinn: OKAY!!!!
And then he shoved the little piece of bread in his mouth. And then realized that he was supposed to dunk it in the goblet of grape juice. So, before I could stop him, he popped it out of his mouth, dunked it, and shoved it back in. Awesome.
Then, we came home, ate some outstanding Italian food, put the kids to bed and got busy putting together Q's train set, filling up the stockings, and finishing wrapping the presents. The reviews for the train set said that a negative to it was the 2 to 3 hour set up time. Chris and Tom took that to be a challenge, so they worked as quickly as they could and set a new record...1 hour, 5 minutes. We had a wonderful evening with my parents - laughing, opening gifts, and staying up entirely too late.
This is the first Christmas that the girls are actually able to tell time. So when I put them to bed last night, I set the clock up in their room and said, "Do not leave this room if you wake up before 7am." And they actually listened. At 7am, on the dot, they came in our room, ready to go. Quinn had a rough night sleeping and was a little dazed when we walked into the living room. The kids ripped through their presents. This was also the first year where they got more clothes than they did toys, so after breakfast (more omlettes, sausage casserole, hashbrowns) they had a full scale fashion show. Tom did an excellent job of photographing each outfit. Quinn's two favorite things to say right now...
As in....
"Quinn, why are you taking apart the train tracks?"
His second favorite is... "I dough know." (It's I don't know, but it sounds more like dough.)
"Quinn, why do you keep taking the train apart?"
"I dough know."
My parents took the children home with them this afternoon. I took a two hour nap and woke up to SNOW! I have lived here for 24 years and have never had snow on Christmas. Amazing.
In other news...Ike was in love with my parents being here. And he hasn't pooped in the house once since he came home on Thursday. Humph. Apparently, he just needed a few days in the penitentiary.
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