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Monday, December 27, 2010

The Last Supper

Well, ok, maybe its not really THE last supper, but I am finishing my last supper before my little procedure in the morning.  No eating after midnight, so I am finishing up a gigantic bowl of pineapple casserole and then hitting the sack.  Already I feel starving though.  You know, just because someone has told me that I absolutely CANNOT eat after midnight, and now I feel like I could eat all the food in NYC, I am that hungry. 

We're leaving the house at 6:15ish in the am....I am a little nervous about the roads...even though they were fine this afternoon when we ventured out.  I have to be in Athens at 7, showtime is at 8 and then we should be home shortly afterward.  I am hoping to just sleep the day away tomorrow.  If you are the praying sort, then please keep me in them tomorrow. 

Perhaps Chris will write a guest post for me.  That would be fun, now wouldn't it?  :)


Anonymous said...

Ang, what is going ON? I need more info. I'm out of the loop, a situation being home for Christmas, ironically, always creates. But regardless of being without a clue, I'm thinking about you. If you need anything WHATSOEVER, or even just kind of crave something, just flash the bat signal. I'm sure Chris will take excellent care of you. xxoo

Amanda Jo said...

Praying for you

molly said...

Thinking of you Ang! I hope all goes well tomorrow. I'm sure that it will. I'll try to check in tomorrow afternoon.