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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Epic Fail

This is hard for me to admit, but sometimes, I make decisions in my life that result in an epic fail. No, really, its true.  The couch in our front room is an example of this.

We bought it shortly after moving into this house.  I was half way through my pregnancy with Quinn, the girls were in kindergarten.  We had just made the move from a 1300 sq ft house to a 2800 sq ft house.  Needless to say, we were in need of some furniture.  And I'm not sure if I've mentioned this or not, but I am cheap.  So....

1.  I'm pregnant.
2.  We just moved and are in need of furniture.
3.  I am cheap.

So we went to a national furniture store.  We found a couch that would fit our needs.  The couch was $399.  We found a salesperson and made our request and they began the process of checking us out and setting up delivery (which was free and could be done within three days!).  Then they read us our total, which was somehow now near $700.  I about fainted.  So I explained to them that we were buying the $399 delivery...and that tax should not be that much.  And they told me about this lovely scotch guard that was already coated on the couch and cost an extra such and such.  So, me being ticked off because...
1.  I'm pregnant.
2.  We just moved and are in need of furniture.
3.  I am cheap. 

...told that salesperson exactly what they could do with that scotch guard that cost an arm and a leg and insisted that I was not paying extra for it.  They told me that I would pay extra for it if I wanted a couch delivered by the end of the week, because they would have to order a special, non-coated, couch from some other place and it would be at least a month to 6 weeks before we got the couch.  I said, yes please, because I was all sorts of irate at this point. 

So, we now have a couch that is a light butterscotch kind of color in a micro suede material in our front room that is stained beyond belief because we have three children and a dog and I sometimes make decisions that result in an epic fail.  Big sigh.

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is why we now have a dark brown couch from Big Lots. It was cheap, because I am cheap, but I don't feel bad about all the crap that gets spilled on it because it was cheap. And from Big Lots. And I have no emotional attachment to it. :)