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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What We Wore Wednesday Week 25 - Family Picture Edition

{Linking up with Lindsey!!!}

No joke, I picked our outfits out for our family picture in September.  And it was November before we actually had it done.  Ugh.  I am so horrible at scheduling and making appointments these days.

Anyway, here we are.... {drumroll, please}

khaki cords - Old Navy
brown striped polo - Gymboree (consignment sale)
navy blue tennis shoes - Target

denim jacket - Old Navy
cranberry crochet top sweater dress - Old Navy
brown boots - gift from Meme

jeweled cardi - Old Navy
jeans - Gap
brown mary janes - Payless

flower print dress - Gap Outlet
orange cardi - Gap Outlet
boots - Target (last year)

argyle sweater - Banana Republic Outlet
jeans - Banana Republic Outlet
brown shoes - Bass Outlet

I kind of felt like we were a catalog family that day.  Like we had just stepped out of a catalog.  Does that ever happen to you???


Anonymous said...

What a great family photo!

McKenna said...

Gorgeous family photo, I have yet to brave getting one. My kids are little and it is so hard to get anyone to sit still.

stacey said...

Oh but it turned out so great! Love the photo and your dress and boots are sweet!

Katie {Party of Four} said...

What a beautiful family!

Maby you would like my giveaway!

sharashallen said...

You guys are a catalog family!!! Very lovely!!!

the domestic fringe said...

I LOVE your family photos. You totally look like an add for family life. ...that's a good thing. ;-)


Momma of The B.M.C. Report said...

You should feel like that! Your family looks like they belong in a catalog. What beautiful pictures!! xoxo