I've been battling this stupid congestion all week and I took Nyquil last night and woke up feeling and sounding worse. Ugh.
We had a babysitter for today to watch Quinn so that we could meet up with my parents take the girls to the World of Coke (their idea, not ours) for their birthday. Only the babysitter got sick yesterday which meant that Chris was staying home with Quinn and I was not driving into Atlanta with the girls by myself. I am ok with driving by myself into Atlanta, but not with them. I know, without a doubt that I will get lost, and I am ok with that. I am not ok with getting lost with them in the car with me. So we tried to come up with a new plan - Casey desperately wanted to go to Babyland General, Chandler wanted to go to Dave and Busters, an agreement could not be made, I feel like death and so in the end, Chris drove them to meet my parents on I-85 for a hand off and they are taking them to the Varsity for lunch and World of Coke without me.
I have a billion things to do - laundry, grocery shopping, house cleaning, getting clothes ready for the big consignment sale....and tomorrow is my birthday and I am completely down in the dumps about it. And when I have a billion things to do, I begin to feel anxious, which completely slows me down because I want to do at that point is lay down and cry. No, seriously, that's all I want to do.
I hate February. Every year, I hate February. Have I mentioned that? And I think its a terrible thing to hate the month that your birthday is in, but there is never anything enjoyable or fun about February to me. Its all stressful. And I hate celebrating birthdays because there is just no way to make everyone happy about the plans, including myself.
Big sigh. My weekend is already a bust.
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