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Friday, May 20, 2011

School's Out For Summer

Today was mine and Chris's last day of school with kids.  (He has 3 days of post planning next week, I have the whole week.)  Today was the girls' last day of 3rd grade.

Yesterday was their award ceremony.  And because its my blog and they are my children, I am allowed to brag on them for a few minutes.  They both received the National Physical Fitness awards.  They both received awards for exceeding standards in Reading for the entire year.  They both received medals for exceeding on all 5 areas of the CRCT.  Casey received an award for exceeding standards in Writing all year.  And Chandler?  Well that girl shocked us all and was chosen to receive the Principal's Award (selected by the teacher for best all around student) for her class.  I about fell out of my chair.  And the minute that child's feet hit the stage, she started dancing.  Every parent in the gym began laughing.  And they were laughing because she wasn't their kid.  :)

Christy Beth and Loralai (not Drew, he had a banquet tonight) came down for end of school celebratory hot dogs, bratwurst and sauerkraut.  Quinn thinks its fun to pretend to be Swiper.  Like in these pictures...where he is swiping Loralai's bowl of chips and drink.

Tomorrow, Chandler is running a 5K with Chris in the morning.  She is SUPER excited.  Beside herself excited.  We'll see how she feels about it afterward.  I may let her rest a little bit before she has to begin to tackle the mess of their bedrooms.  See exhibits below.
one - Chandler's side of their room. I love the big pile of some clean/some dirty jeans on the floor...right next to her hamper.  And no, there is not a body in her bed.  And no, I don't know how she sleeps there.
two - This is looking at their bedroom from the doorway.  No, I don't know what any of that stuff is on the floor.  Or how it got this messy when they cleaned it last weekend.
three - This is Casey's side of the room.  No comment.
four - This is Quinn's room. OMG.  I think we have everything EXCEPT a train on that table.

This summer, I believe there will be massive amounts of cleaning out and organizing going on.  Such a party.  :)


Land family said...

You have such nice big bedrooms! And yes they look like my kids have before, so no shocker for me.

Crystal Farish said...

OH the glory days of summer. So bitter sweet. No schedule, sweet . . . the messes . . . bitter. :)

Hope you are enjoying your time off!! What did you decide to do about Whatever?