{Quinn...doing something very strange...like choking himself with the rocks. Not to worry, he wasn't really choking, he was just being weird. And this is a picture that I shall show to girlfriends in the future. This, I believe, may have been Frankie's favorite picture of the morning. Just so you know.}

Bring on the diva. Seriously. Who are these children?
These dresses? You can find them at Southern Belles and Beaus in Watkinsville. Just in case you were wondering.

And I love this one even more. If that's possible.
And I'll let the pictures below speak for themselves. Q is completely the cutest child ever. These are the infamous Easter clothes. You know, the John John that Chris did not want Q to have. Here it is. Its awesome, right? I, for one, am glad that I ignored Chris on this one. The delightful Amber of Baleigh Grace Boutique whipped these up for us and I am thrilled with them!

Today was my favorite session ever. And we've had a lot of sessions. Q was incredibly good - the best he's ever been. And Frankie? God love her. She works magic with my children. You should take your children to visit her. Seriously. She is the best there is. Not to worry...these a sneak peeks, I'm sure you'll see more from this session too. :)
Oh my gosh.... those pictures are the sweetest things ever. You have adorable children! Adorable! And those cloths.... I want those cloths! I don't even have kids that would fit in them. So cute. I need to come shopping in GA! Did your photographer friend take those shots? She's amazing.
I love how my wife says that she is glad that she ignored me "on this one." That would lead her wonderful readers to believe that she does, in fact, listen to me every now and again, which I can assure you all is most definitely not the case.
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