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Sunday, October 31, 2010

So, Cleopatra, a Sailor Girl and a Giraffe Walked Into a Bar...

...I don't really have something to finish that joke.  But I can tell you that we ate lunch at The Grill in downtown Athens yesterday and we walked passed several bars.  Quinn kept trying to open the door to them and we had this conversation...
Me:  Quinn, the bars are all closed.
Chandler:  What is a bar anyway?
Me:  Its a place that grownups go to to drink alcohol.  Why, were you wanting to go?
Chandler:  Oh, no way!  I am never going to go anywhere to sit around and drink drugs!
*I am going to remind her of this conversation when she is in college.  Just sayin.

Last night we went to a little shindig at Publix...a few games, a few pieces of candy...and really Quinn was primed for tonight.  We've been working on saying, "Trick or Treat!"  But it comes out as "Trick, Trick!"  No, Buddy, you want the treats, too.

Tonight we took Quinn out for about 8 houses and then he and I came back to open the door.   He was FANtastic!  He helped me pass out candy and if people hung around too long after he loaded up their buckets, he would just close the door on them.  Perhaps he has even more of Chris in him than we thought.

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