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Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Weekend in Review...and a Glance Ahead

This weekend was actually a busy one...
  • Thursday night we celebrated Father's Day at Chris's parents' house. We ate steak and the best potatoes ever. They were so moist that I had to have 2. Quinn only broke one thing.
  • Friday I went to the big sale at the Gap. If I had paid regular price for everything that I bought, I would have spent $612. But I didn't pay regular was 40% off all of their clearance items. So I paid $149. Jeans for the kids? $4.18/pair. Hellooooo, Gap! I love you. (And really, I have always loved them. I worked there when I was in high school. Just so you know.)
  • Saturday we celebrated Chris's nephew's birthday at Pump It Up in Athens. I think it may have been the best day of Quinn's life. Seriously. The boy was a sweaty mess. I also hope that it was the best day of Jonah's life too. Since it was his party and all. Following the party, the girls spent the night with the Wylies. I am not even going to tell you why Frankie called me twice. Some things are just best left to the imagination. While the girls were gone, Chris's mom came over for dinner and to give Quinn his birthday presents. He received a Harley big wheel. It's awesome. It is also now his favorite place to just sit and hang out. Chris's dad had to work and Q just couldn't get over it. He must have asked us 800 times, "Pop Pop?" And then we'd explain, yet again, where Pop Pop was and why he wasn't there.
  • Sunday, we went to church, ran by Target, ate lunch, Chris scrubbed (and I mean scrubbed!) the girls' bathroom and I cleaned out the linen closet.
This week? Ugh. My cousin (whom I love dearly) and her son are coming down from Chicago to stay with us Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then we are all heading out to my mom's to spend the night on the 4th. I have a list a mile long of things that I would like to get done before Thursday. If you would like to volunteer to take my children off my hands for the next three days, that would be great.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm glad Quinn had fun at the party! Meanwhile, I spent last night picking up little green army men from the floor after I stepped on them. Give Chris my love! :)