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Friday, July 30, 2010

Seriously. Busy.

{Mustard Necklace - $15 - in the shop}

{Yellow Lantern Earrings - $10 - in the shop}

{Pearl Pendant Necklace - $28 - coming oh so soon!}

{Georgia Love Necklace No.1 - $15 - in the shop!}

{Glory, Glory Necklace - $20 - coming oh so soon!}

Regardless of what my husband (who cleaned the kitchen, scrubbed the floor, detailed and washed my car) might think, I have been very busy today. I was behind on listing things in my, today was the day to get caught up on all of that. There are TONS of new pieces in the shop. You should go window shop. Or buy something. You know, its your choice. :)

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